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Selected by Di Bruno Bros.

Drunken Goat

Drunken Goat

Regular price $49.95
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Fruity and friendly and just a little tipsy; Soft on the tongue and not too goaty; Voted "Most Likely to Succeed" in high school.

Quick Facts

Country of Origin: Spain
Milk Type/Treatment: Pasteurized Goat
Rennet Type: Animal

The Flavor Experience

Cheese bathed in red wine. Cheese bathed in red wine. Cheese bathed in red wine. (Say it three times in front of a mirror and a drunk goat will appear and eat all your stuff.)

The Story

There are plenty of entertaining cheese legends in existence, most of which involve a lucky cheesemaker who accidentally discovers some amazing flavor or way of improving their cheese. This one goes like this: Once upon a time, a daydreamy cheesemaker in Spain left two wheels of goat cheese on what was apparently a very slanted table. Next day, he's all like, "Where are my cheeses? I can't find them! Oh well, never mind." Then a few days later, he's emptying the giant open barrel of wine sitting AT THE END OF THE TABLE, and finds the wheels of goat cheese at the bottom. You guessed it, they rolled into the wine barrel, and then everyone decides, "Oh hey, this wine-soaked cheese tastes really good!" And everyone lives happily ever after, eating delicious, wine-drunk cheese!

Usage Tips

Q: What goes best with red wine? A: More red wine! But seriously, folks... Pair simply with grapes, pair extravagantly with almond butter, honey, and bread, or pair comfortably with sweet, light jams.

Pairing Tips

Q: What goes best with red wine? A: More red wine! But seriously, folks... Pair simply with grapes, pair extravagantly with almond butter, honey, and bread, or pair comfortably with sweet, light jams.

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