Share your holiday traditions with us as we continue to share ours with you! Post photos of your favorite family food traditions, tagged with #cheesytraditions, and you’ll be entered to win a $1,000 Di Bruno Bros. shopping spree!Sample this classic Di Bruno pairing at our Franklin location from 2pm — 6pm on Wednesday December 24.

The Twelfth Day of Pairings — Langres & Dumangin Champagne Jelly
We close our 12 Days of Pairings blog series with a combination that takes its inspiration from a classic French pairing — Langres with Champagne!
Langres is a delicate little soft-ripened cow’s milk cheese from northern France. It's washed, wrinkled rind cloaks a melt-in-the-mouth interior paste that’s chalky when young; oozing and slightly pungent when ripe. While it is made in Champagne (the region), it’s also made for Champagne (the beverage)! Produced with a deliberately concave top, it’s a regional custom to pour the sparkling wine into and over the entire wheel for a luxurious, effervescent cheese course!
In our version of this traditional pairing, we’re replacing Champagne with an extra special Champagne preserve from the Dumangin winery. Dumangin is a small Champagne producer that’s been around since the 1890s. Along with their Premier-Cru Champagne, they’ve won international acclaim for their innovative line of Champagne-based, artisanal delicacies — such as the Champagne jam that we so love at Di Bruno Bros. Cooked in small batches in traditional copper pots, the preserve takes on a spreadable, jelly-like consistency that makes it a natural cheese accompaniment — and one that’s perfect for a celebration!
With that, we’ve reached to the end of our 12 Days of Pairings. Thanks for coming along on the journey! We’d be delighted to hear about the pairings you loved best, or about ones you’ve been inspired to create. Happy Holidays, and Cheers to 2015!
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