Anton’s Red Love

Anton’s Red Love
Anton’s Red Love
[caption id="attachment_1033" align="alignright" width="244" caption="! GM-2010"]Anton's Red Love[/caption] If you’re a fan of Taleggio, chances are you’ll have a mini meltdown when you try Anton’s Red Love. This bloomy rind cheese from Bavaria is pudgy and fudgy with a yeasty taste that calls to mind fresh baked bread or, better yet, a bismarck. Anton’s Red Love really is made by a man named Anton: cheesemaker Anton Holzinger. If you thought Germans were humorless, take a look at Anton’s labels. You’ll see him doing his best Fabio impression, alongside buxom fräuleins and big squares of cheese – at last, bloomy rinds are the new Harlequin Romance. Besides being a conversation piece, Anton’s Red Love is one of those cheeses you can serve anytime, anywhere – on a cheese plate before or after dinner, or as a centerpiece at brunch. It’s milky and spreadable, with a pleasant floral hook that makes this cheese especially palatable at breakfast. Try serving it with a Riesling. It pairs especially well with raspberries and pomegranate. For more risqué cheese centerpieces, visit Madame Fromage