1. A special treat for those of us who just can't resist indulging in some goat cheese. For those who may not know, there are endless ways to incorporate goat cheese into your meal. Whether it's spreadable goat cheese with crackers or crumbly goat cheese over a fresh salad. The three main types of goat cheese are fresh, aged and soft-ripened. Fresh goat cheeses are rind-less and often spreadable. Aged goat cheeses have been ripened for about 12 weeks, causing them to be firmer and have a much more prominent flavor. Soft-ripened goat cheeses are the soft, white spreadable goodies that often resemble Brie. With so many variations and personalities, there's definitely a goat cheese for everyone to enjoy! [Huffington Post]
2. Global trade issues are affecting the cheese world in a BIG way. There is a major debate about whether each individual country owns the intellectual property right to certain foods and drinks. For example, do the French own the name "Brie", and the Italians "Gorgonzola" even though both are also produced in the United States by American Farmers? This is a big issue not only due to the sense of national identities of these countries but also due to the potential immense amount of money made for farmers and food companies.
So here is what is happening—the European Union is working to restrict other countries from using traditional names for foods and drinks, and the United States is trying to counteract that by referencing the Trans-Pacific Trade Pact. The most current attempt by the United States is to allow countries in the Asia-Pacific deal to use names that could potentially be confused as trademarks or common names—such as chorizo, prosciutto or gorgonzola cheese. This would allow artisan butchers to keep selling their products and farmers in industries such as the most famous, Wisconsin dairy industry to keep producing their cheeses. On the other hand, the EU is fighting to create a system in which other countries stop using the traditional labels and instead adopt names such as "gorgonzola style". They believe that this would allow the countries to keep producing the goods without compromising the identity of another nation. [Politico]
3. Let your love for cheese make you healthier. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry links "a rich diet in cheese with higher levels butyric acid, a compound that's linked to faster metabolisms and a decreased risk of obesity." Recent studies show that these eight varieties are the healthiest and most beneficial to your system.
Pecorino Romano: Related to lower risks of cancer, diabetes and compromising inflammation.
Gourmet Cheeses: instead of the barely-real singles sold in grocery store aisles.
Full-Fat Cheeses: "people who eat at least eight servings full-fat dairy per day have a 23 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to people who eat one or fewer servings per day. Just remember that two to three slices of cheese counts as a serving."
Cottage Cheese: Just a cup of cottage cheese contains 15 grams of muscle-building protein. Parmesan: Improves digestion and stomach health.
Organic: Compared to conventional milk, organic dairy products have 62 percent more heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids.
Ricotta: A half-cup serving contains approximately 14 grams of protein and 25 percent of your daily calcium needs.
Aged Cheddar: Great news for lactose intolerant cheese lovers! Cheeses like aged cheddar contain relatively low levels of the lactose enzyme, making it possible for those with lactose intolerance to enjoy this delicious treat! [Huffington Post]
4. 16 things you never knew about your go-to cheeses! Like the fact that the method of making the infamous Jarlsberg is a national secret in Norway and that Blue Stilton was originally served with a side of maggots and mites in the 18th century! Oh, and the best part? Did you know that cheesemaking dates back to Egypt, over 5000 years ago? Crazy stuff! [Huffington Post]
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