Dessert Grilled Cheese with Blu di Bufala, Sliced Pears, and Raw Honey on Chocolate Cherry Bread

Dessert Grilled Cheese with Blu di Bufala, Sliced Pears, and Raw Honey on Chocolate Cherry Bread
[caption id="attachment_3206" align="alignright" width="244" caption="! BB-1000,CO-0215"]Dessert Grilled Cheese with Blu di Bufala, Sliced Pears, and Raw Honey on Chocolate Cherry Bread[/caption]

Working in Philadelphia’s social services, my old roommate often endured tough days. Days that often resulted in the same, simple, comforting meal. I’d watch as she’d come into the kitchen, butter two slices of bread, pull some cheese out of the fridge, and proceed to prepare her ultimate nutritional anaesthetic: the Grilled Cheese Sandwich.

Coming from Australia, where I ate griddled sandwiches like paninis and jaffles, I was unfamiliar with American-style grilled cheese. I was also a little incredulous: “Wait – you FRY the cheese sandwich in a pan…? Genius.”

To top it all off, sometimes she’d bake some cookies or a simple cake, so we’d have something warm and sweet to pull out of the oven to go with our after-dinner tea.

So, for my take on a grilled cheese, I thought I’d skip the extra dish and make a savoury-sweet, dessert sandwich that you could bake in the oven, and finish in the pan.

In her honour, here’s my version of a dessert grilled cheese.

Dessert Grilled Cheese with Blu di Bufala, Sliced Pears, and Raw Honey on Chocolate Cherry Bread

Ingredients for 1 serving:

Here’s how:

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Make sure your cheese is at room temperature. Thickly spread the Blu di Bufala on both slices of bread, making sure to cover from edge to edge.

Dessert Grilled Cheese with Blu di Bufala, Sliced Pears, and Raw Honey on Chocolate Cherry Bread

3. Lay slices of pear evenly across one of the slices of bread.

Dessert Grilled Cheese with Blu di Bufala, Sliced Pears, and Raw Honey on Chocolate Cherry Bread

4. Drizzle honey very generously over the pear slices, and cover with the other slice of cheesy bread.

Dessert Grilled Cheese with Blu di Bufala, Sliced Pears, and Raw Honey on Chocolate Cherry Bread

5. Wrap sandwich in foil, and bake in oven for no longer than 10 minutes, or until cheese is just melted. Remove from oven.

Dessert Grilled Cheese with Blu di Bufala, Sliced Pears, and Raw Honey on Chocolate Cherry Bread

6. Melt a large pat of Buffalo Milk Butter in a pan over high heat.

7. Place sandwich in the pan and fry on both sides until nice and CRISP!

Dessert Grilled Cheese with Blu di Bufala, Sliced Pears, and Raw Honey on Chocolate Cherry Bread

8. Plate. EAT! And finish with a cup of strong black tea!

By Jamie Png at Di Bruno Bros. Ardmore Farmers Market