Notes of freshly cut grass. Toasted hazelnuts. A buttery, fruity finish. Unfiltered Extra Virgin Sicilian Olive Oil.
Let's start with Mr. Manfredi Barbera, our dear friend in Palermo who happens to be one of the finest olive oil producers in the world. Expertly made and hand harvested by Manfredi, a fourth generation olive oil producer, this Sicilian Olive Oil is
produced exclusively for Di Bruno Bros.
Sicily is one of the largest producers of olive oil across the globe, so we knew we wanted to bring a truly special Sicilian Olive Oil to Philadelphia and our customers nationwide.
- Made in the time-honored Sicilian oil pressing tradition, hand-selected, and imported from Palermo, Italy, we sought out the best Sicilian olives and undoubtedly the best olive oil producer.
- With 50% Biancolilla (bee-yan-koh-LEE-la), 30% Nocellara del Belice (no-chay-LAR-ah del bell-EE-chay), and 20% Cerasuola (chair-ah-SWOH-lah), this blend is truly greater than the sum of it's parts.
Giving off an aroma reminiscent of freshly cut grass and toasted hazelnuts, this oil imparts a buttery taste with notes of artichoke and a peppery finish.
Our Portfolio
At Di Bruno Bros. we focus on unique and artisan farmers who have a particular flavor profile so that we cover the whole breadth of the category. While you won't see the olive oil brands you might be familiar with, you
will see a v
ariety of olive oils from around the world ranging in flavor profiles from
mild (bright and buttery) to
strong (assertive and peppery).

Stop into any of our locations to give it a try and/or take a peek at our
portfolio online! We are very proud of the new member of our Olive Oil family and can’t wait to share it with all of you.