Parmigiano Reggiano is like an Italian cheese celebrity. Everyone “knows” Parmigiano Reggiano. How much they know varies. Maybe you know Parm as well as you do Rocky Balboa, quoting all of the movie lines and running up the art museum steps or through the Italian Market like a champ. Or maybe you know him about as well as you know the real Sylvester Stallone—you might know his name, and the way he looks, but probably not all of the intimate details, like his birthday or what he eats for breakfast. (We bet that Stallone eats a lot of Parm.)
Here’s a handy Parm-primer to get to know this special cheese, being featured for just $14.99/lb. through the remainder of 2016 at all Di Bruno Bros. locations. You can also click here to order it online by the half pound wedge. Mangia!
The labeled wheels are put into a salt brine for just shy of a month. Why the salt bath? This draws a ton of moisture out of the cheese and results in a very hard rind, perfect for being tossed into soup or sauces of the future. Post bath, the cheeses are moved into an aging facility, where they can be left to age for as few as 18 months, or upwards of 3 years. Parmigiano's different stages of maturity are recognized by aging seals given out specifically at 18 months, 24 months and 30 months. When the affineur (person who ages the cheese) decides that it’s ready for sale, a certified cheese grader uses a hammer and his ear to determine if there are any cracks or unwanted distributions in the cheese before it can legally be sold as Parmigiano-Reggiano. Dream job, anyone?
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