Cheesemonger Grilled Cheese with Reading Raclette, Chorizo, and Pickled Jalapenos

Cheesemonger Grilled Cheese with Reading Raclette, Chorizo, and Pickled Jalapenos
Cheesemonger Grilled Cheese with Reading Raclette, Chorizo, and Pickled Jalapenos
[caption id="attachment_3001" align="alignright" width="244" caption="! US-1001"]Cheesemonger Grilled Cheese with Reading Raclette, Chorizo, and Pickled Jalapenos[/caption] One of the best things about working at the 9th Street is the diversity of our selection and of the products available at the Mexican markets surrounding us. My grilled cheese uses elements from several different cultures which is really what being “American” is all about if you ask me. What you need:
  • 1 loaf of Italian style Ciabatta bread from Hudson Bakery
  • 1 stick of Palacios Chorizo from Spain (fresh Chorizo will work in a pinch)
  • 1 jar of Mexican Mayonesa (the real secret to a great grilled cheese!) Baconnaise works fantastically too!
  • 1 can of pickled jalapenos
  • 1 half pound of Spring Brook Reading Raclette (one of the best all time cooking cheeses), sliced.

Cheesemonger Grilled Cheese with Reading Raclette, Chorizo, and Pickled Jalapenos

Slice your Ciabatta as thick as you like, I like it to be pretty solid. If you're going to splurge and eat a big grilled cheese, make it count! Dice up half of the Palacios Chorizo and put in in a very small skillet on medium heat to render out some of the fat.

Diced Chorizo for Grilled Cheese

Turn your burner on to medium and place a huge skillet or pan on it. Then spread a healthy amount of Mayonesa on all of your slices of bread. This is the best method to get great browned bread without making it soggy. Put one face down in the pan, lay on a few slices of Reading Raclette, dice up your pickled jalapenos and spread them on top of your Raclette along with your slightly crunchy, rendered Chorizo.

The toppings on the Grilled Cheese

Lay another healthy bunch of Reading Raclette on top of that and put your Mayonesed bread on top. Cook bottom side until golden brown and delicately flip over, cooking until bread is golden brown and cheese is melty.

Grilled Cheese getting melty in the pan

Take out and cut in half, letting the cheese ooze and enjoy with a bowl of tomato soup enriched with your excess Chorizo fat, and your favorite sparkling beverage. I like Champagne as it cuts nicely through the fatty, fatty goodness of this most excellent grilled cheese.

Grilled Cheese & Champagne

Stay tuned for more Grilled Cheese Goodness next week!