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For my contribution to National Grilled month I've chosen some hearty cheeses and condiments to pair with delicious (if difficult to photograph) pumpernickel from
Hudson Bread.
What you’ll need:
- 1/4 lb Ermesenda — a sort of smooth but earthy Catalan Raclette (French Raclette would work, too)
- 1/4 Tomme de Berger — a smooth sheep/goat mix (Abbaye de Belloc would make a great substitute)
- 3 Slices Petit Jesu Salami from Salumeria Biellese (other Biellese salami would be fine, too)
- 2 tsp Fig & Olive Relish from Tait Farms
- Grate the two cheeses and mix them until they're together in a kind of cheesy snow. The sweetness of the sheep's milk cheese will balance the earthiness of the heartier mountain cheese.
- Roughly cut the Salmui into ribbons. Just fine enough not to clump up.
- Schmear a little bit of the fig and olive relish on each slice of bread. It's fairly peppery so it will act as a nice balance to the creamy cheeses.
- Top each side with the cheese mixture. Sprinkle your Salumi ribbons on top of that. Carefully place one slice of bread on the other.
- Put a little olive oil on each side and transfer to a pan.
- Cook until the cheese is evenly melted and the bread is nice and crisp. Since you're using darker bread this might require a little closer attention as the bread won't change color.

Happy National Grilled Cheese Day! Stay tuned for even more Grilled Cheese Goodness next week!