The Six Second Cheese

The Six Second Cheese
by Josh Kaplan

Any patron of the DiBruno Brothers cheese shop has heard at least one suggestion ad infinitum. “You should eat that at room temperature”, has become my mantra. Indeed, the imperative to keep cheese refridgerated directly effects how it’s immediate flavor on the pallet. It is rare that a is best enjoyed slightly above room temperature. This, however, is the case with Mimolette.

At first bite, there is only acknowledgement of texture, as hard as an aged Gouda with the structural continuity of Comté. Then comes the disappointed look on a patron's face as they find little complexity. Here, I begin to count to six. By the time six thousands are up, eyebrows fly aloft unmasking delighted and surprised eyes. For the customer’s mouth has just heated the cheese to the “wow” point, they have discovered the cows milk caramel candy layered with de-husked raw wheat whichcomprises Mimolette's true flavor.

In the world of cheese Mimolette reminds us of the most important lessons, that for those who are patient, the best is always yet to come.