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Do you know about our Mozzarella sale going on? We're offering a 15% savings on all of our
mozzarella cheeses when you buy online. Simply use discount code "MOZZ" at checkout (offer expires 7/31/12).
Anyways, mozzarella is a diverse cheese. It can be used in a variety of dishes. But the most most popular application is on pizza. Sure, the temperatures are soaring outside, but pizza really is delicious any time of the year. Don't even think about take out! We've got a delicious, simple homemade pizza recipe for you. This comes from Bill Bowles, Cheese Specialist, at our
Ardmore Store.
Crispy Mediterranean Italian Bread Pizza
Items needed:
- Baking sheet pan
- Aluminum foil
- Box grater
- Pastry brush
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees for 15 minutes
- Cover baking sheet pan with aluminum foil
- Slice bread lengthwise and then cut hales in half.
- Chop garlic cloves into little chunks (remove skin first!)
- Lightly brush bread pieces with olive oil and top with garlic pieces
- Cook for 5 minutes or until slightly crisp
- Shred fresh mozzarella
- Cover baked bread pieces with black olive tapenade
- Spread shredded mozzarella on top
- Liberally top with Greek olive mix
- Bake for 5 to 10 minutes or until really crispy brown
- Remove from oven and grate Reggiano Parm on top
Let cool and enjoy!
Picture coming soon!