Collection: The Old World

Parmigiano Reggiano + Campari Balsamic

It's almost too easy, too good to be true, but we promise that after eating these two things together for the better part of a century, we're convinced it doesn't get any yummier, or easier, than this perfect pairing. Drizzle a little of column A on a little of column B, and you're in the business of flavor, my friend.

Collection: The Old World

Parmigiano Reggiano + Campari Balsamic

It's almost too easy, too good to be true, but we promise that after eating these two things together for the better part of a century, we're convinced it doesn't get any yummier, or easier, than this perfect pairing. Drizzle a little of column A on a little of column B, and you're in the business of flavor, my friend.

9 products